Six Keys To A Thriving Marriage
Instructor: Chuck Starnes
Includes 40-page digital workbook with all the tools and exercises.
Can be done in a 6 weekly 90 min. sessions, in a 9-hr. weekend workshop (Friday night and Saturday). See more info below.
Contact Chuck for more information and for special discount prices for your group or community.
Email: [email protected]
The Couples Workshop consists of six sessions where you will learn’¦
- How to reconnect and repair a damaged relationship
- How to turn conflicts into a deeper connection with each other
- How to dissolve the barriers that keep you from connecting
- How to rekindle the passion you once had for each other
- How to build a mutual partnership for healing and growth that will positively impact your children, your workplace, and your community
Whether your marriage is strong and healthy, struggling to survive, or somewhere in between, we want you to know there’s hope for a better marriage! Through this workshop, you’ll learn how to connect with your partner at a deeper level, how to grow through conflict, how to find healing from past hurts and disappointments, and how to fulfill you own mutual relationship vision!
Each session is filled with practical instruction and powerful tools that will help your relationship grow and thrive. Each session will follow this simple format: (1) Brief teaching; (2) Group or couple discussion or exercise; (3) Debrief together.
OVERVIEW: Here are the SIX KEYS TO A THRIVING MARRIAGE we will covering in the 6 sessions:
Session 1: VISION – Beginning with the End in Mind
We’ll discover why marriage is the best place to heal and grow and fulfill your life purpose together. We’ll be looking at four stages that most marriages go through, and you will work together as a couple to create your own Relationship Vision statement that will help guide you into the future together.
Session 2: CONNECTION – Turning Conflicts into Connection
We’ll learn about the Power Struggle Stage of marriage and why we have conflicts as a couple. You will learn to use the Couples Dialogue, a powerful tool that will help you uncover what the root issues are and turn every conflict into an opportunity for deeper connection with each other.
Session 3: ROMANCE – Reigniting Your Passion for Each Other
We’ll add to our toolbox a powerful tool called the Caring Behaviors exercise and dialogue. This tool will help you and your partner rekindle romantic love and increase safety and connection in your relationship.
Session 4: VULNERABILITY – Overcoming Unconscious Barriers to Intimacy
We’ll use the Brief Relationship Workup and My Unconscious Relationship Agenda to learn why conflict is a sign you married the right person. We’ll discover that you married your “Imago” and see what the unconscious forces the caused you to choose the partner you did, and how that person is best possible person to help you heal and grow. We’ll use a tool called My Early Challenge And Need to understand more about our “unconscious relationship agenda” to heal the past.
Week 5: HEALING – Healing Childhood Wounds
We’ll learn that buried beneath each relationship frustration is a wish and use the Change Request Dialogue will help us turn every frustration into a request that will help heal childhood wounds.
Week 6: GROWTH – Growing Into Wholeness
In this final session we’ll look at how your partner’s need for healing becomes a blueprint for your own spiritual and emotional growth. We will use the Commitment Dialogue to begin closing the exits we take from the relationship and growing into the person our partner needs. We’ll discover that when we take theses small steps of growth we begin recovering missing parts of ourselves never developed in childhood.
Weekend Couples Workshop
Covers all six sessions in a weekend – Friday evening and Saturday.
One advantage of the Weekend Couples Workshop is the requirement of a two-day commitment rather than a six-week commitment.
Six-Week Couples Workshop
Conducted over six weeks in 90 minute sessions each week.
One advantage of the Six-Week Couples Workshop is that couples have a week between sessions to practice using the tools and to better assimilate the material.
Couples Workshops on Zoom
Both the Weekend Workshop and the Six-Week Workshop can be conducted on Zoom. The advantage for the Zoom workshop is the people from all over the planet can join in.
Contact Chuck for more information and to plan a Saturday or a Six-week Couples Workshop for your group or community.
Email: [email protected]